Add Your Listing

Please select the most appropriate directory category and use the arrow buttons to add or remove your selection.

Maximum image size for upload is 1600 x 1600 pixels and 10MB
This is the small image which will appear with your introduction. This might be your logo or show piece for example.

Maximum image size for upload is 1600 x 1600 pixels and 10MB
Your profile image is larger and typically would be a general image of you, your work, or your studio.

Location Map
You have the option of including a Google map within your directory listing’s details page. This would be applicable for those who offer a retail environment or who accept visitors to their workplace/studio.

To add a location map to your guide listing, we suggest using the free mapping service at There you can find your exact location coordinates (latitude and longitude) and paste those coordinates in the fields below. Alternatively, you can use a GPS device.

Image Gallery