Artists & Artisans

Tidedancer Jewelry Designs

Medium(s) used: Sterling silver, glass, lampwork beads, stone, semi-recious gems, seaglass and seashore treasures... to name a few
P.O. Box 903
Chester, NS
B0J 1J0

Phone: 275-3889

Where People May Buy the Items: I am in the process of opening up a studio in the Village of Chester....stay tuned. Otherwise, you can find me at or 902 275-3889

Willing to provide training: Willing to provide training

I am a stay at home mom with 3 wonderful, active kids. Previous to this, I was a school aged daycare and daycamp teacher. My younger days of camp and working with children, flamed my passion to make jewelry every moment I got the chance.
Fast forward many years later. I decided to make my nieces Christmas presents one year and LOVED doing it. Looking to earn some money from home and still care for my children, I started to make some jewelry for a lobster supper in Prospect, Nova Scotia. Simultaneously, we decided to move from Prospect to Chester permanently....therefore, the sale at the lobster supper in Prospect, never happened. I was swamped with packing, and getting my kids and family set up in a completely new community.
All of the jewelry that I had made for the lobster supper was just gathering dust. Sheila Blain from Fiasco, heard that I made jewelry and asked to see it. She encouraged me to sell it out of her store. Surprisingly, it went very well and I began buying better quality components to create my designs.
Things have evolved and snowballed from there. I am learning as I go....trying to balance home life and owing my own business, can be challenging at the best of times. I am so grateful for the continuing support that my husband and kids provide me. I truly couldn't do it without them......