Featured Artists & Artisans

Paulette Barkhouse
Paulette Barkhouse
I took up hooking about ten years ago. I taight myself, but my mother hooked rugs when I was a littl...
Kathleen Hamm
Kathleen Hamm
Kathleen is a Canadian singer, actress, and retired ballet dancer. Born and raised in Scarborough, O...

Lordly Estate Museum


Featured at the Lordly House Municipal Museum:

Municipal Streetscapes Then and Now

Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Chester Garden Club

Blandford  Society Room

  • Open for the season June 17 Tuesday to Saturday 10 -4
  • Sunday 1-3 Closed on Monday
  • please contact: lordlyhouse@ns.aliantzinc.ca or call 275-3842 or 275-3826

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Train Station Gallery


Train Station Gallery -20 Smith Road

Openinng June 1   - Hours 10 AM - 4 PM daily - Come and visit

Hidden Talents will be showing August 17-31 at the Train Station Gallery.

Featured will be the crochet, knit, plastic canvas and needle work by

Hilary McCarron

as well as the bowl turning and woodworking of Steve McCarron.



Painting list

Gift case guidelines


phone: 273-2176 email On Facebook

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